Living consciously with the whole self, with others & with the universe


Even in our waking hours, we are not always conscious - we spend most of our time in autopilot mode - going through the motions and letting our habits dictate our behaviours as we slowly lose our awareness of choices and their outcomes.

Conscious living is about the thoughtful consideration of our decisions and subsequent actions, and their effect on ourselves and our surroundings, and vice versa. We believe living consciously starts from gaining a deeper insight into the interconnectedness

  • within us,

  • with others,

  • with the world around us.

Living consciously with the whole self


On an individual level, conscious living starts with the understanding that our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health feed off one another. For instance:

  • A consistent self-care routine can give us more energy and better focus at work [1]

  • What we eat doesn’t just impact our physical but also emotional well-being [2]

  • Our lifestyle choices can often be our best preventive medicine

Living consciously with others


At the group or community level, conscious living is understanding that our individual choices and behaviours can influence, and be influenced by people around us. For example:

  • Being self-aware can help us relate and communicate better with others [3]

  • Having a supportive network of people who care about us can make us more resilient at times of adversity

  • Making healthy life choices for ourselves may inspire healthier lifestyles for our friends and family

Living consciously with the universe


And finally, conscious-living at a system level is understanding that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm that thrives on the delicate balance between taking control and surrendering to nature and our universe. Listing a few, they are:

  • Being aware of deep-rooted, and interrelated systemic issues like income or racial disparity and climate crisis can only be solved with a collective awakening and activism

  • At the same time, accepting that we are a tiny part of a universe, going through constant changes. We can never be in full control but can only learn to adapt and manage uncertainties

In short

At the end of it all, conscious-living is not a goal, but an exploration and a lifelong journey.


1. Why is Self-Care Important? (2020). Retrieved June 3, 2021, from website:

2. Diet and mental health. (2015, August 7). Retrieved June 3, 2021, from Mental Health Foundation website:

3. Self Awareness. (2019). Retrieved June 3, 2021, from website:

Cultured Generation